The purpose of Root Canal Treatment is to save a tooth that has been damaged by decay, disease, or trauma from extraction. It is preferable to preserve a natural tooth because, on average, it will function better than a prosthetic.

If a tooth is causing you discomfort, you may require root canal therapy. The likelihood of infection and decay increases if the tooth is damaged or fractured, if you have tooth decay, large fillings, or if you have recently sustained trauma to the tooth.


When there is an infection deep within a tooth, root canal therapy is necessary. Due to trauma or a cavity, the blood or nerve supply can become infected.

During the early phases of an infection, there is frequently no pain or discomfort. Mild symptoms may include sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures or discomfort when clenching or applying pressure to a tooth.

If a tooth has changed colour, it may indicate that the nerve is decaying. A small bump on the gum near the sore tooth, as well as tender or swollen gums around the tooth, are also typical presenting symptoms.

Not only can an untreated infection be extremely painful, but it can also result in a dental abscess or even tooth loss.


The purpose of root canal therapy is to eradicate bacteria from inside the tooth and disinfect the root canals. The procedure is not as invasive as it sounds; a small incision is drilled into the pulp chamber through the damaged tooth.

Once root canals become infected, painful abscesses frequently develop in the mandible, so prompt root canal treatment is essential.

We will take a digital X-ray and conduct several tests to corroborate the need for root canal therapy. In order to provide the most accurate diagnosis and treatment, this may involve a CBCT scan to visualise minute details within teeth.


Many patients are anxious about root canal therapy, so we do our best to elucidate why root canal therapy is necessary and the procedures involved.

Using contemporary anaesthetic methods, there will be no discomfort. We will sedate the area of the mouth that will be treated, and the numbness will typically subside within an hour or so. For patients who find treatment difficult to endure, we offer sedation services.

If you are concerned about pain or discomfort during or after your root canal procedure, our helpful staff will be glad to address your concerns.

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