Jaw bone loss can be caused by a variety of factors: - The pressure of chewing maintains the integrity of the mandible when a missing tooth is not replaced. Absent this stimulus, bone is lost via resorption.

- For instance, trauma from an accident or sports injury

- Periodontal disease: periodontal disease degrades and reduces the bone that supports teeth.

- Some forms of jaw tumours can attack the bone directly, while others may necessitate the removal of some bone in order to completely remove the tumour.

Before a restorative procedure such as a dental implant can be performed to replace a missing tooth, enough mandible must be present to provide a stable and long-lasting attachment. This will be determined by a 3D cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan of your mandible. If there is insufficient bone to create a stable attachment, you will require additional treatment prior to implant placement.


- Replace the missing bone in your mandible.

- Make dental implants feasible

- Enables your dentist to replace a missing tooth, thereby enhancing oral health and bite function.

- Regain your self-assurance with a broad grin


Fortunately, no. Using a technique known as bone grafting, it is comparatively simple to stimulate the development of new bone. This procedure typically employs synthetic biomaterials designed to stimulate the production of new bone tissue in the mandible. Your dentist will make an incision in your gums to access the underlying bone, then compress the area with bone grafting material and close the incision with stitches. Developing new bone can be a protracted process, taking approximately three months. However, once the bone has matured, it will be robust enough to support a dental implant.


In cases where a significant quantity of bone is missing, your clinician may recommend filling the void with bone from elsewhere in your mouth (typically the back of your jaw or a portion of your lower chin). This is referred to as a "onlay graft," and it will take some time to fuse with your existing bone. However, once the bone has recovered and stabilised, it will also be suitable for dental implant placement.


When a tooth is missing from the upper back region of the jaw, bone loss causes the maxillary sinus floor to migrate into the void and fill it. If an implant is to be inserted, the sinus floor must be repositioned, and the space below must be filled with new bone grafting material. This procedure, known as a sinus graft or sinus lift, yields dependable results when performed by one of our skilled surgical clinicians, such as Dr. Laura Fee, our principal dentist.

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