If you are a current patient with a dental emergency, such as an accident or toothache, please call our office during business hours to schedule an appointment with one of our clinicians.

In the event of the following emergencies, please schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. In the interim, observe these recommendations:

Following a dental procedure, anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can alleviate pain, bleeding, and edoema. If the pain and/or edoema are severe, immediately visit the hospital's emergency room.

Rinsing with tepid water and salt may help stop gum bleeding.

Broken or chipped tooth: maintain the tooth's cleanliness as much as feasible. If you have any discomfort, anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen should alleviate it.

Broken filling or crown: if you have the filling or crown in your possession, keep it secure and bring it to your appointment. In some cases, it may be possible to re-bond a crown if the underlying tooth is still healthy and free of decay.

Similarly, if you have a broken or missing veneer, please bring it with you to your appointment.

In the event of the following dental or medical emergencies, you must seek immediate care:

Extreme pain unrelieved by analgesics and/or persistent bleeding: go directly to the hospital's emergency room

Tooth knocked out: see an emergency dentist as quickly as possible, preferably within an hour. Try to avoid touching the tooth as much as possible and avoid cleaning it. Place the tooth in a milk-filled Tupperware container (with lid) until you can see an emergency dentist.


Members of our payment plan are covered for both domestic and international dental emergencies outside of business hours. Calling a dental helpline within Ireland will connect you with a nearby dentist who can assist you. However, if you are outside the United States, the helpline will connect you with an English-speaking dentist.

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