Implants have been utilised satisfactorily for the past four decades. Implants are similar to replacement tooth roots, except that they are made of titanium and inserted into the jawbone to support artificial teeth.

Dental implants completely integrate into human bone; living bone develops around the titanium surface to secure them firmly. Then, these implants can support fixed crowns and bridges. They can replace a single tooth or an entire dental arch. They can also be used to stabilise a denture that is loose or bothersome.


At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, replacing a single absent tooth with an implant is a highly successful procedure. It is not necessary to prepare adjacent teeth to support bridges, and care for the implant tooth is identical to that of natural teeth. The implant restoration is typically created using a combination of computer-aided design and 3D manufacturing technologies, before being hand-finished by our dental laboratory technicians to create an attractive, natural-looking final tooth.


It is possible to replace groups of missing teeth with bridgework supported by dental implants. For instance, two implants can support a bridge that replaces three or four teeth, and additional implants can be added if the biting forces are particularly intense or if a larger bridge is required.

Again, treatment is extremely conservative because it is not necessary to prepare natural teeth for bridge support. The implant design merely replaces the absent teeth without jeopardising the health of the remaining teeth. We utilise cutting-edge 3D imaging, software simulations, and guided surgery to aid in planning and implant placement.


Removable dentures are used to replace missing teeth and to support the lips and face in cases where the underlying bone has been removed. The use of dental implants to secure dentures provides increased stability, comfort, and retention, as well as aids in the preservation of the jawbone, thereby sustaining an attractive and full facial profile.

We will meticulously craft your new dentures to complement your facial features, with the assistance of our exceptional technicians. Dentures typically lie on the gums and attach to remaining teeth. However, dentures typically have a negative effect on these neighbouring tissues, resulting in the eventual loss of additional teeth. The mandible beneath the gums loses mass, and the quality of the gums that cover the jaw decreases. As these tissues deteriorate, the dentures become less stable and more irritating to wear.

Dentures were never intended to be supported by gums. Implants placed to support and retain a denture will increase its stability, comfort, and retention, but most importantly will help preserve the mandible. We believe that providing dental implants to support full dentures should ideally be the standard of care we offer all of our patients; however, a partial denture may also be an effective method to replace a few missing teeth when remaining teeth are present.

It is simple to maintain excellent oral hygiene with implant-retained dentures, which is a significant advantage. After the denture or bridge has been removed, it is easy to brush and floss around implants. This may be crucial in cases where access is difficult, such as when a patient has significant bone loss or limited dexterity.

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