Bonding & Contouring

Modern tooth-colored restorative materials can be bonded to teeth to enhance the shape or colour of teeth, frequently without the need for anaesthesia. This is the simplest and least expensive method, but it is not always a suitable substitute for veneers or crowns.


This procedure improves the appearance of your tooth by shaping the enamel. It can also be used to alter the length, contour, and position of teeth.

Additionally, tooth contouring can be used to rectify crooked or overly long teeth. This procedure provides immediate results and, in some cases, can even replace orthodontics.

Inquire with one of our treatment coordinators about our tooth bonding and contouring services in Bayside.


This innovative, painless technique employs composite bonding to close any unattractive black spaces between teeth. Carefully positioned clear forms are progressively filled with composite filling material and then quickly hardened with UV light. Bioclear can also be used to replace a complete space between two front teeth (diastema) in addition to restoring the evenness of black triangular spaces.

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